local-admin's blog

Tell Your Legislators to Oppose Trump’s Nominee for Labor Secretary

Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of labor—fast food CEO Andrew Puzder—would be a disaster for working Americans. He’s railed against a meaningful increase in the minimum wage, opposed expanding overtime pay and supported replacing working people with machines. Of his Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s restaurants that were investigated for labor law complaints, 60% were found to have violated the law.

Striking Petrobras Workers End Strike Paralyzing Brazil’s Oil Industry

After paralyzing operations at the offshore platforms and refineries of Brazil’s troubled National Oil Company Petrobras for the last three days, workers ended a strike Monday.  Members of the Federation of Petroleum Workers walked off the job just before Christmas after rejecting a proposed salary increase that fell short of inflation.  The union is also concerned about a contract changes that could reduce hours for the company’s 85,000 workers. 


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