

"The Hunt," a new competition reality show for the CW shooting in the High Sierras of California, now has union benefits and protections for its 70+ IA-covered employees thanks to the solidarity of the crew.
The IA and representatives of the West Coast Locals traveled north to the small mountain town of Shaver Lake, CA where “The Hunt” has been shooting since the beginning of May. With a dispute pending, we reached an 11th hour deal on Wednesday night, with benefits, wages and working conditions retroactive to date of hire.

IATSE and AICP Announce New 3 Year Contract, Effective October 1, 2013 – September 30, 2016

NEW YORK, NEW YORK -- The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) and the Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP) concluded negotiations in New York on Tuesday for a new 3 year collective bargaining agreement covering below the line technicians and artists who create commercials.
The parties agreed to early negotiations in order to promote stability and give both sides an opportunity to plan and budget past the current expiration date of September 30, 2013.

Your Guide to Buying Union

The 2013 edition of Labor 411-LA is now available! The LA County Federation of Labor and publisher Senders Communications Group are pleased to present our new annual directory, the nation’s largest and most comprehensive guide to union goods and services. Labor 411-LA boasts the status of leading union directory nationwide featuring 4,700 products.

How Corporations Use Offshore Havens to Avoid Paying Their Taxes

Current laws in the United States allow corporations to use offshore havens to avoid paying their taxes and, if it's up to many in Washington, the problem will only grow larger, particularly if the so-called "territorial" tax system is passed. The details of the use of such tax havens were discussed in a conference call with Campaign for America's Future (CAF), Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) and Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ).

Don’t Close The Curtain On Film Tax Credit

The film and television industry is extraordinarily mobile. Productions can be set up anywhere, and many producers are choosing to set up productions outside of California.
In 2003, more than 66 percent of studio feature films were shot in California. In 2011, that number dropped to less than 40 percent.
Other states have seen rapid growth in their film industries because of generous tax incentives and lower overall production costs. In fact, Louisiana reaped more than $900 million in film production last year.


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IATSE, Local 728

Studio Electrical Lighting Technicians

1001 W. Magnolia Blvd.

Burbank, CA 91506

(818) 954-0728


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