L.A. County Fed Meeting, January 22nd, 2018

Los Angeles County Federation of Labor Central Council Meeting
January 22nd, 2018

The AFL-CIO recommends that local councils create Veterans committees.
A resolution supporting a Veterans Committee was voted in.
Rusty Hicks reported that we are now called the House of Labor.
Rusty spoke about L.A.'s women's march being the largest women's march in the country with over half million marchers. He spoke about the recent MLK breakfast as a good kick off for the year.
The biggest issue in front of union labor is the Janus Supreme Court case that may pave the path to National Right to Work laws as an attempt to silence workers and the need to fight for worker rights. The L.A. County Federation will be running a campaign to defeat right to work. 
The Freedom Foundation is coming after unions.  
The push to unseat conservative anti-labor congressional representative Steve Knight in District 25 (Antelope Valley) has begun. Feb 3rd, 10 am-3 pm Rally and precinct walk to unseat Steve Knight in District 25 .  39047 10th St E, Palmdale 93550. 
Info - Lisa 323 839-3306 [email protected]
There will be a greatly increased training effort on Organizing and increased leadership training. 
The Fed re-entry program started its 4th training session (10 weeks to train and move ex-cons into construction trades).
Priscilla Cheng has set up a tool on the L.A. Fed's website to begin to form a veteran committee. 
Mention was made of national I.C.E. sweeps of 7/11 stores. 50 activists scared away I.C.E. from a 7/11 in Korea town.
50 community and labor leaders are meeting to figure out how to partner going forward.
Kokayi, the new Fed Political Director, reported on the Civic Leadership Academy and preparing union members to run for office. The next class is Feb 10.
There are three local assembly elections on April 3 in Los Angeles. 
California matters on a national level. Conservative congressional firebrand and anti-union crusader Darrell Issa has decided not to run again in his current district but is mulling moving over one district to run again. 
There is going to be a new constituency group affiliation program starting up next month. They can do things unions cannot do.
The Fed is bringing on new people and is contracting people to update the L.A. County Fed facility. 
Nominations for Federation officers will take place at the February meeting. If there are contested seats, an election will be held at the March meeting at a worker's congress. 
Local officials on the next ballot have been interviewed for their stance on labor issues.
The Committee On Political Education or COPE gives endorsements to candidates based on their support for organized labor and its issues.
The County Fed has interviewed candidates for upcoming elections for local offices in Municipalities, Judicial, and Supervisorial jobs. Their voting records on labor and labor issues have been reviewed where possible. Those who friends of labor are given a COPE endorsement. When the list of endorsed candidates is available, it will be published here: http://launionaflcio.org/endorsement  
Labor studies classes on workplace safety, worker rights, collective bargaining and union messaging etc. available at LA Trade Tech. info at http:college.lattc.edu/laborcenter  or (213) 763-7129.  Scholarships for spring 2018 semester available. 
CARA California Alliance for Retired Americans invites retirees to join. CARA is endorsing propositions based on the needs of the senior community.  
AFL -CIO Labor Community services has help for union members in need. Utilities, rent, groceries. info: www.laborcommunityservicesla.org

Reports of Organizations
Www.labor411.com has a listing of union made goods and services. American and union-made goods and promoting ethical buying. It is 10 years old this year. There will be a Dodger night later this year. 
The United Farm Workers reported The Salinas Valley farmworkers center raised $750,000 last year and needs 300,000 more to build their center.  
The SOFA, Society of Financial Awareness offers free seminars on financial literacy and workshops to groups to educate the community.   info : [email protected]  http://www.sofausa.org
NABET Local 53 said NBC has begun negotiations, Telemundo has agreed to negotiate soon.
Ca Assoc. Professional Employees 2,700 members had training for delegates with the Fed and were happy. 
AFSCME 2620 social workers are offering continuing education training to their members in light of JANUS. 
UTLA has settled their healthcare plan for the next year.  They have begun new training for members. They are having a blood drive tomorrow
CWA 14904 has 500 cemetery plots for sale in North Hollywood at $1,000 each.
LA Trade Tech class focused on emerging union leaders 3 units, 16 weeks starts Feb 3. Priscilla ate the Fed teaching
Yvonne Wheeler announced the government is reopened until Feb 8 on a continuing resolution.  Call Congress and ask them to pass a budget.

Jan 26-28 There will be a training session on union organizing at the County Fed on Organizing to train people to take action and make change.
Feb  8 10 am Janus action Union mobilization meeting 2130 James M Wood Blvd. info : [email protected]  323 2815611x114
March 13, 2018 9a-4pm LA Fed Worker's Congress Westin Bonaventure 404 S. Figueroa Los Angeles Info: [email protected]
April 3, Special Elections Los Angeles. 
April 26, 2018 CSU Dominguez Hills event
May 4-6 Organizing training at the Fed. 
Maggie Cook voter registration drive at Los Angeles Convention Center needs volunteers. Contact the Fed to sign up.



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