10-06-2020 Local 728 Election Town Hall

This year, on October 18 at 1:00PM, Local 728 will present an online Town Hall giving members an opportunity to hear from and ask questions of the members who are running for Executive Board and Business Agent/Secretary. Should you get your ballot before the Town Hall, you might want to wait before casting your votes to take advantage of this first ever opportunity to hear what the candidates have to say and how they respond to questions posed to them by our members.

Every year Local 728 holds elections so that we, the members, can have an active voice in determining our future. This year in addition to delegates, we will be electing 4 Executive Board Members and a Business Agent/Secretary. These members hold the responsibility to ensure the Local operates in a manner that is to the benefit of us all. 

Our Election Committee will be hosting the Town Hall and we need your help. We need to know what questions you would like asked of our candidates for either Executive Board or Business Agent/Secretary. 

Each Candidate will have a specific amount of time to make an opening statement as to why you should cast your vote for them. Secondary questions will be asked and the number of questions asked will be dependent on the number of candidates who are at the Town Hall. The first part of the Town Hall will be pre-selected questions that you submit. The second half of the Town Hall will be an open forum where members will directly ask to ask their own questions to the candidates. 

If you have a question you would like asked at the Town Hall for Executive Board or Business Agent/Secretary candidates, please send it to me at: [email protected]

In solidarity, 

Alan M. Rowe

President/Safety & Training Director



IATSE, Local 728

Studio Electrical Lighting Technicians

1001 W. Magnolia Blvd.

Burbank, CA 91506

(818) 954-0728


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Local 728 Bulletin

The color version of the Local 728 Bulletin is available online.